Sony has finally penetrated and entered the final stage of the electric vehicle development project.

For several years we have been hearing about the company's entry into car production and in January we were able to see what the first four-wheel drive Sony looks like at CES.

Now all these stories and speculations have received official confirmation - Sony and Honda are joining forces and it is known when the first electric car will arrive.

With the joining of forces we also got a new name, Sony Honda Mobility

Each partner will contribute 35.5m euros at the start of the business, which will cost a total of over 66m euros.

They plan to produce their first EV in 2025. They aim to sell cars in the US, Japan and Europe.

Remember, Sony is not the first and by no means the last company to enter the world of car electronics.

Apple has been talked about for almost ten years and Huawei has recently entered the world of cars.

However, Sony is definitely the first to have a finished product.

Honda previously announced it would invest over $ 37 billion in electrification and would offer 30 electric models by the end of the decade.

Cooperation with Sony will certainly benefit both parties, where the Japanese company will have available production technologies and vehicle construction, while Honda will benefit from digital technologies.

/ Telegraphy /