Masaka Yoshida wrote a Japanese record comparable to Ichiro Suzuki.

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[Sports Center/Comprehensive Report] Japanese Red Sox hitter Yoshida Masaki has gradually warmed up recently. After hitting a home run today, he wrote the first Japanese record since Ichiro Suzuki.

Yoshida Masamura joined the Red Sox for 5 years and 90 million US dollars in this season. However, due to his defensive defects and physical disadvantages, the ball world generally believes that this signing is a standard premium contract. Although he feels hot in the classic game, At the beginning of the season, he made his first career hit in the fourth game early, but he fell into a hit shortage in the follow-up. At one point, his batting average dropped to only 167%, which caused doubts to arise again.

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However, Masamori Yoshida recently regained his batting touch. He knocked safety in 7 consecutive games and hit 3 home runs in 4 games. His batting percentage rose to 276 and his attack index increased to 0.832.

In the opening season, Masamori Yoshida accumulated 4 home runs and 16 RBIs in 20 games. He only got 10 strikeouts, and he also got 10 four-bad walks. His performance was quite good.

According to "ESPN" data, Yoshida Masaka became the first Japanese player to have at least 2 bases in 7 consecutive games since Suzuki Ichiro in May 2010. This is also the longest consecutive game of Suzuki Ichiro's career with 2. Record for more than one base hit.

Masataka Yoshida's last 7 games:


3 HR

10 RBI

— MLB (@MLB) April 26, 2023

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