Lotte Peach Ape Liu Jiaxiang.

(Provided by Lotte Club)

[Reporter Xu Zhengyang/Comprehensive Report] Lotte Taoyuan played a self-organized warm-up match today. It turned the game around by attacking 12 people in 7 innings and scored 6 points. It added 4 points in 9 innings to open the score and defeated 12:6. The Han Vocational Training Heroes Second Army.

Lotte was started by Liu Jiaxiang. Although he lost 3 points in the first inning, he did not lose any more points in the second inning. He pitched 4 innings with 58 balls and was knocked out 5 times with four dead balls. Lai Zhiqi took over 2 innings and only hit 1. No points were lost, Shu Zhi, Hong Minyang, and Zhang Zixuan each pitched 1 inning, and Shu Zhihao conceded another 3 points in 7 innings.

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Lotte scored 2 points in the first 5 innings to catch up to 2:3 and only trailed by 1 point. In the 7th inning, Lin Zhenghua walked and Cai Zhenyu hit an infield to drive a counterattack. With 5 walks, 3 hits, and 1 turnover, he swallowed 6 points and led 8:3 , 9 innings with 3 hits, 3 walks and 4 points to extend the lead to 6 points.

Lotte's 10 hits were all singles, Cai Zhenyu scored 2 hits in 4 hits, contributed 2 RBIs and ran back 2 runs, and Lin Yaohuang scored 3 hits in 4 hits.

Lotte Taoyuan Lai Zhiqi.

(Provided by Lotte Club)

Lotte Peach Ape Lin Yaohuang.

(Provided by Lotte Club)

Lotte Peach Ape Cai Zhenyu.

(Provided by Lotte Club)

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