"Warcraft" Howard.

(File photo, photo by reporter Li Huizhou)

[Reporter Wu Mengru/New Taipei Report] After last week’s large-scale conflict, Taoyuan Clouded Leopards will have 3 players suspended. Tomorrow at 4:30 p.m., they will face the excellent Xinbei Zhongxin Special Wants to challenge the longest 4-game winning streak in team history and win First count on the appearance of "Warcraft" Howard.

Lu Jiemin, Luo Zhenfeng, and Zeng Pinfu of Cloud Leopard were suspended for one game for participating in the fight with Taiwan Beer Yingxiong last week, which means that they will not be able to play against the special attack tomorrow.

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Even so, the league's leading special attack still dare not be careless. Coach Li Yihua said that today when Poseidon sent a substitute, the team is still falling behind. It is also a warning sign, so he has warned the players to wind up.

Special Attack has faced Howard twice this season against the Clouded Leopards. In the first game, they scored 38 points and 25 rebounds, but the second game was revised down to 15 points. The result of the match was 1 win and 1 loss.

Li Yihua said that if Howard plays tomorrow, he believes that Warcraft will go all out to play without many teammates. The countermeasure on the field tomorrow is to suppress his performance in the penalty area, force him to the outside, and try to reduce his attack. force.

Special attack head coach Li Yihua.

(File photo, photo by reporter Lin Zhengkun)

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