
(File photo, Associated Press)

[Sports Center/Comprehensive Report] In the earlier NBA All-Star Game, star guard Kyrie Irving, who had just transferred to the Lone Ranger, broke a team history record in the game and became the team's all-star game scoring record keep people.

In today's game, Irving scored 32 points, 15 assists and 6 rebounds, breaking the original record of 29 points held by Rolando Blackman.

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Although from the point of view of the game, Luka Doncic and even the former Dirk Nowitzki actually have the ability to score points on the court, but they regard the star game more as a show than a show. Choose to score crazy points on the field.

But this does not underestimate Irving's achievements in the All-Star Game.

In fact, Lone Ranger fans should be very excited. From the star game, Irving is still a very good scorer on the court, and his ability is exactly what the current Lone Ranger needs. A player who can share Doncic's offensive burden.

Although Irving and Doncic are still in the running-in stage, when there are two players who can score 50 points alone in a game and sit in the backcourt of the team at the same time, the Lone Ranger after running-in will definitely be the second half of this year. A team to be reckoned with.

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