Mets owner Cohn.

(File photo, Associated Press)

[Sports Center/Comprehensive Report] Mets owner Steve Cohen spent a lot of money during the off-season to strengthen the team and strive for the next season's World Series championship.

But this move also attracted the dissatisfaction of other team owners.

In this regard, Cohen responded domineeringly in an interview with "ESPN" reporter Jeff Passan recently: "They should think about themselves."

Cohen said, "I heard what everyone heard, they (owners of other teams) were not happy with me, and I also heard some more neutral opinions, saying that those owners made fans very angry. In my opinion, they look for it. Wrong people venting their emotions, they blame me for these problems, they should think about themselves first."

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Cohen also stated in the interview that he did nothing wrong. "I don't need to be responsible for how other teams run the team. That's none of my business. We all know now that there are differences between the teams. They make the rules. , I just followed the rules."

Cohen is talking about the luxury tax here. Although there is no upper limit on team salaries in the major leagues, a luxury tax has been set up for the sake of competitive balance, and the penalties for crossing the luxury tax line have also increased year by year. The super-highest luxury tax line means that they have to pay up to 90% more taxes for one dollar more than the tax line, but now it seems that Cohen has shown that his desire for the World Series championship far exceeds this money.

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