Chen Guanyu.

(File photo, photo by reporter Lin Zhengkun)

[Reporter Lin Youchen/Jiaxian Report] Lotte Taoyuan will go to Ishigaki Island this weekend to restart the exchange match with the Japanese Rhodes team after 2 years. The two sides are expected to play 2 games.

Since Zeng Haoju, the head coach of the Apes team, is also the attacking coach of the Taiwan team, this time he will go to Ishigaki Island. The Apes team will be supervised by the chief coach Gu Jiujian and Chen Ruizhen, the head coach of the second army.

Gu Jiujian Er said that the team normally practiced lessons according to the table, and did not do anything special to prepare for the game. "Everyone will look forward to their performance. I hope they can show the results of their practice."

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The Rhodes team announced the starting pitcher for the exchange game a few days ago. The first game is expected to be played by the 19-year-old rookie Akiyama Masun.

Kokubo said so far he's only heard about the opposing team's first-game starts, and said Akiyama looks like a good pitcher.

As for the starters of the Apes, Gu Kubo said: "The detailed pitching schedule is handed over to the pitching coach, but Chen Guanyu is expected to start one game. However, even if he is a starter, he does not shoot 4 or 5 innings like a normal game. Chen Guanyu may only pitch 1 inning. Other pitchers, unless they are set to start or are in good condition on the field, at most 2 to 3 innings. After all, it is everyone’s first actual game this year.

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