
〔體育中心/綜合報導〕大聯盟今天公布2023年名人堂票選結果,第6度叩關名人堂大門的紅雀傳奇三壘手羅倫(Scott Rolen),以76.3%的得票率,成為今年唯一進入古柏鎮的選手。而前洋基金童「A-Rod」羅德里奎茲(Alex Rodriguez)、紅襪名將曼尼‧拉米瑞茲(Manny Ramirez),兩人的得票率都不到40%,兩人未來可能都無緣名人堂。







有14名球員首次出現名人堂票選名單上,其中名將貝爾川(Carlos Beltran)獲得181張選票、得票率為46.5%。但貝爾川曾捲入2017年太空人作弊醜聞,可能因此影響他的票數。

Gary Sheffield, a famous star with 509 hits in his career, was admitted to the Hall of Fame for the 9th time, and won 55% of the votes, a substantial increase from last year's 40.6% of the votes.

Next year will be his last knock on the Hall of Fame door.

Major league players can be eligible for Hall of Fame voting by the National Writers Association (BBWAA) after 5 years of retirement, but as long as they do not get 75% of the votes within 10 years, they will fall out of the Hall of Fame voting list.

The final voting results for the #HOF2023 ballot! pic.twitter.com/xtqAFRRtgI

— MLB Network (@MLBNetwork) January 24, 2023

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