[Reporter Gong Naixu/Comprehensive Report] The Uni-President Lions rescued the bottom fielding rate. Japanese defensive coach Tomotaka Tamaki has reported to start strengthening. Although the first stage of spring training is mainly at the Tainan Stadium, if Tamaki intends to increase the amount of training, the infield of the Asia-Pacific Baseball Village A driving range can also come in handy for additional training space.

Tamaki Tomotaka (first from right) will assist the Lions to strengthen their defense.

(Provided by Uni-Lion)

In the past, Hiroshima had the title of No. 1 training volume in the 12 Japanese professional teams. Tamaki was born in this team and taught for 12 years. Will the Lions follow suit?

Liu Yuchen, head coach of the second army, pointed out that Yumu has not mentioned it yet, but if he wants to greatly increase the amount of training, he can plan the Asia-Pacific infield practice field and take a few designated players to special defense.

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Asia Pacific Baseball Village Infield Practice Range.

(file photo)

Asia Pacific Infield Backup

The infield practice field of the Asia-Pacific International Baseball Training Center has been completed. The team leader Su Taian pointed out that if it is useful, it can be used as long as it is leased. What the team is looking forward to is the auxiliary field. It is understood that it will be completed in February and March. According to the monthly inspection, the stadium has an indoor shooting range, and the training is more complete. "There should be a chance to use it this year."

The Lions had a physical examination yesterday, and training will start tomorrow. Tomohiro Tamaki reported on the first day the day before yesterday and used the "flat glove" to observe all infielders catching the ball. Among them, he paid special attention to Chen Chongting, who helped adjust the footwork and the use of steps, hoping to improve the many infielders. Bad pass.

Mr. Chen said that Yumu pays attention to Chen Chongting's passing, and feels that there are many things to be corrected. For example, when he was standing in a guerrilla double-play defense, some steps made the pass not very stable. Yumu hopes to be more stable in the game, and his steps should be more steadfast. , "Look at how to try to improve Chongting's passing mentality."