Howard decided to travel with the team to the Taichung Suns on Sunday, supporting his Cloud Leopard teammates on the sidelines.

(provided by Cloud Leopard)

[Reporter Lin Yuefu/Taipei Report] T1 Taoyuan Yongfeng Clouded Leopards basketball team superstar Dwight Howard (Dwight Howard) suffered discomfort in his left knee due to an accidental collision in the middle of the game on November 20. Visiting the Taichung Suns with the team, supporting the Cloud Leopard teammates on the sidelines!

In response to the hate speech that appeared on social media a few days ago, Yunbao officially issued a statement of We're on your side today, supporting Howard.

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After Howard was injured, he immediately went to Chang Gung Hospital to receive a comprehensive examination by the medical team under the arrangement of the Chennuo Group, and made relevant plans. In addition, Asbeck Sports Technology Company provided the necessary rehabilitation equipment, so that he could feel at ease. Complete rehabilitation, the current physical condition is no longer serious, although for the sake of prudence, follow the doctor's order to rest for two weeks, but he strongly expressed the idea of ​​wanting to fight side by side with his teammates, so even if he can't play, he will still Coming to Taichung with the team was also his first away experience in Taiwan.

Since Howard joined the Cloud Leopards, he has created a whirlwind in the domestic and foreign basketball circles. He not only displayed Superman superman domineering on the court, but also showed his affinity outside the court. He was criticized by former NBA center Shaquille O'Neal with inappropriate remarks.

In this regard, Howard appealed to the other party to stop hate speech in his personal live broadcast. Yunbao now expressed his support for Howard on the official community. got your back", "We're on your side", and firmly expressed opposition to related hate speech, emphasizing that we are on the same front with Howard, looking forward to returning to the love of basketball and the original intention of basketball, and will spread it together with Howard More positive energy will be sent to Taiwan's basketball world, creating a more far-reaching influence.

Howard decided to travel with the team to the Taichung Suns on Sunday, supporting his Cloud Leopard teammates on the sidelines.

(provided by Cloud Leopard)

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