Howard came to Taiwan and blew up the "Warcraft Whirlwind".


[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] The Taoyuan Cloud Leopards of the T1 professional basketball league recently won the biggest player in Taiwanese basketball history, "Warcraft" Howard, setting off a "Warcraft whirlwind" in Taiwan. Tickets for 4 home games will be opened for sale a few days ago , as low as 100 yuan to enter to watch World of Warcraft, triggering a wave of panic buying, it only took 10 minutes to sell out.

Today (16th), Yunbao posted the latest ticket sales information, but the ticket price has been raised, and the cheapest zone C has increased from 100 yuan to 300 yuan, which sparked discussions.

Taoyuan Clouded Leopards will open 11 and 12 home stadium tickets for sale on the 9th. They are divided into three prices, namely special A zone: 680 yuan, special B zone: 350 yuan, and special C zone: 100 yuan. Sold out within 10 minutes of opening.

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Today Taoyuan Cloud Leopard Facebook fans posted information on the sale of home stadium tickets in March and April. The sale will officially start at 12:00 on November 18th, but the price has been adjusted. A zone has changed to 1,500 yuan, B zone 980 yuan, and C zone is 1,500 yuan. It becomes a ticket of 300 yuan.

As soon as the news came out, it sparked discussions among the fans, "The price will start from the floor, and they said that the price will not increase", "TWD 1,500 is worth watching the NBA's quasi-Hall of Fame stars!", "Is there a mechanism to prevent scalpers..." , "Can disabled tickets be half-price for the whole district?", "I have to guess what will happen this time."

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