Nets star B. Simmons.

(File photo, USA Today)

[Sports Center/Comprehensive Report] The Nets held an open group practice ball at Brooklyn Bridge Park a few days ago. The head star B. Simmons (Ben Simmons) took the ball and shot at random but formed a "bread ball", which went viral on the Internet.

B. Simmons admitted in an interview that he sometimes gets bored with these things, "Thinking that every time I shoot it will be a bread ball?"

"This sort of thing happens to me all the time," says B. Simmons, "and he doesn't stop fucking, sometimes I get bored, but then I'm like, 'Okay, I'm B. Simons. Do you know what? This is the life of B. Simmons right now'."

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B. Simmons pointed out, "There was even a video of me throwing bread balls in the park one day, and at the same time, 10 people were throwing bread balls many times, so it was like people would find a clip, like Simmons Can't do this or that. Come on, do you think I'm a bread ball every time I shoot? It's not true, but going through it is a must, I can't take everything to heart, it's social media ."

"Because people know what I can do," B. Simmons said, "I believe that's it, like if I'm a person who can't do certain things, I don't think people are going to keep looking at me. I don't mind, Because that motivates me in a way. Obviously, it's tough for anyone to deal with sometimes, but in a way, I take it as a form of respect."

B. Simmons said, "If I play a great game, you guys have nothing to say, you know? But that's part, that's why with Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving ) The reason it’s cool to be on the same team. Because they’ve been through different things in their careers, their names are always mentioned.”

Ben Simmons

— points LeBron needs for #1 (@LeBronPoints) October 11, 2022

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