
(File photo, AFP)

[Sports Center/Comprehensive Report] The 42-year-old Nationals veteran Cruz (Nelson Cruz) has declined this season and his hitting performance has fallen to a career low, but he has not yet considered retirement and predicted that he will play for another year next year.

Cruz, who is over a year old, did not show any deterioration in the last season. He delivered a star-level performance and was recognized by the people outside the season. He signed a one-year contract worth 15 million US dollars, but the results were not as good as expected. In 124 games, he left a batting average of 20%, 34 hits, 10 hits, and 64 RBIs. A number of hit figures hit a new low since the 2007 season.

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Cruz has been plagued by multiple injuries this season. He was on the disabled list this year due to problems with his back, shoulders and knees. He was recently sidelined due to inflammation of his left eye, but he still has no idea of ​​retiring. "If I no longer feel happy because of playing. , I'm going to leave, everybody's here for different reasons and I want to win and win the World Series, that's our common goal."

Although Cruz's performance this season is not satisfactory, Nationals head coach Dave Martinez still gives him a high evaluation and believes that he can still contribute to the team next season, "He has the ability to be in the DH position. To help the team and push the bat numbers up, but it all depends on whether he wants to play another year.”

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