Ukrainian Journalist Day: greetings in prose and verse

Dear fellow journalists!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the occasion of your professional holiday – Journalist's Day. Your everyday, hard work, highly professional sense of duty, dedication have been widely recognized and respected by a large army of readers and admirers of your talent.

May your open and sincere word continue to serve truth and truth, the establishment of good and justice, and fate will favor you, give happiness and health!

Ukrainian Journalist's Day: pictures / Photo:


New ups and downs! Have a good time!
May good luck accompany Inspiration
and sunshine of hopes
In everyday life is hot,In
the fast-paced routine of events.
I wish you all-conquering faith!
Trust and truth – for years!
And may you be lucky without measure,Dear
our fellow countrymen!

Ukrainian Journalist's Day: pictures / Photo:


Please accept my sincere congratulations on the occasion of your professional holiday – Journalist's Day!

On this festive day for you, I wish you large circulations, replenishment of the readership, expansion of the circle of friends, as well as good health, personal happiness, family well-being, new interesting topics, a sharp pen, bold projects and perseverance in reaching new heights in the field of journalism.

Do not let luck and creative inspiration betray you! A wallet full of you and a good mood every day!

Ukrainian Journalist's Day: pictures / Photo:


I congratulate you on the holiday today.
Be healthy, pure heart,So
that the light in your chest does not go out.
Like ancient Chronos, fix everything:
Events, facts, names.
Do not pass before officials,Let
them tremble from you!

Ukrainian Journalist's Day: pictures / Photo:


Happy Journalist's Day, dear friends!

Thanks to you, Ukrainians promptly receive objective and truthful information. Your materials are replenished with bright unforgettable pages of the chronicle of our state. You have an important mission – to guard democracy, professionally, selflessly and honestly serve your cause, your people for the benefit of Ukraine. Good health to you, inspiration, creative achievements in the name of the establishment of democratic principles in the state.

Ukrainian Journalist's Day: pictures / Photo:


Good dear you, inspiration, love, generosity,
At the crossroads of all – courage,So
that fate was a mother.
For your word builds the world,To good deeds raise,Dams of discord destroys,Scoundrels

with the pen doima.
Societal pains and heart wounds –
Of course, everything passes through you.
You are not ordinary – captains of the Space and Life Routes
Thanks to you, fourth power,For your thoughts and deeds,I greet you today joyfully,I

say respectfully: "Praise!"

Ukrainian Journalist's Day: pictures / Photo:


On this wonderful professional holiday, we would like to wish the main thing: even if one of the most interesting works in the world becomes even more exciting and enjoyable! May you be surrounded by positive events every day, and also good people. More important qualities for a journalist such as courage, perseverance and even impudence. And let your life not be limited to your favorite work. Happy Journalist Day to you!

Ukrainian Journalist's Day: pictures / Photo:


Illuminates life is always appropriate,In a moment reflects the time flow,And even where it is dangerous to be,He

can not do without news.
Today Ukraine celebrates
the Day of the Journalist. So we wish you
May the sun shine clearly and not fade away,
Like a lighthouse to distant ships.

Ukrainian Journalist's Day: pictures / Photo:


Congratulations to Ukrainian journalists on their professional holiday! The path of a journalist is not easy, you need to fight many temptations and find loopholes in the system. May your information always be the freshest and most interesting! Happy Holidays!

Ukrainian Journalist's Day: pictures / Photo:


Where there is news, be the first,And "hotly" grab in the lens,Before others shoot everything,Let

the audience appreciate your impulse!