What are optical illusions, what are they

Optical illusions are special visual effects that give the impression of distorting or simplifying the image of real objects. They can deceive our visual perception, capturing our imagination and encouraging us to reflect on how our vision works.

Optical illusions arise from the way our brain processes and interprets incoming visual information. Our eyes perceive light that reflects off objects and transmit this information to the brain. But the brain interprets this information depending on context, expectations, and previous experience.

Optical illusions can include various effects such as breaking lines, movement, resizing and proportions, coloring, and many others. They can be static, when the image remains the same but creates an illusion, or moving when the image changes or moves before our eyes.

Seven incredible optical illusions

These illusions are not in vain wandering the Internet, fascinating the eye, making you think.

  • The picture seems to be moving

Optical illusions

  • Where is the cat going - descending or climbing the stairs?

Optical illusions

  • Again about cats - cat or mouse?

Optical illusions

  • What color are pears? Same.

Optical illusions

  • This is not a GIF image, this is a picture

Optical illusions

  • Shepard's impossible elephant is known. And it is impossible because his legs cannot be counted, try

Optical illusions

  • And what is there - sailing ships or the arch of the bridge?

Optical illusions

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  • Intelligence test that only 1% of people can pass: find a cat in 11 seconds
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