We know about the efforts being made to conserve rare species such as orangutans, the Bengal tiger, the blue whale, gorillas, the great panda, chimpanzees.

Here are some of the most vivid and surprising examples of animals that are in real danger of disappearing from our planet forever.


It will probably come as a surprise to many that the giraffe is threatened with extinction. But due to many factors, including illegal hunting, the loss of their natural habitat due to the expansion of agricultural and mining areas, this amazing animal very soon may simply not exist.

The Nightingale

In the last 40 years, the number of nightingales in the UK has decreased by more than 90%, according to British ornithologists. Fortunately, in Bulgaria, according to data from 2020, the number of nightingales is almost 500,000, and at least for now they are considered unthreatened.

The vulture

Photo: Pixabay

The trend is deepening unnoticed. In Kenya, efforts to preserve animal species such as the elephant and rhinoceros have cast a shadow on the decline in raptors. The main culprit for their disappearance is poaching.


Wild horses are also on the endangered animal list for the next decade. Climate change and the emergence of new severe diseases are reducing the population of some of the horse species.

River Cancer

According to Ecologists in Action, traditional river cancer disappeared from a huge number of rivers in the late 70s due to pollution of river ecosystems and oomycetes in the water. Due to the disinterest of scientists, specialists and local administration, this type of cancer will most likely not exist soon.


Some of the most sumptuous birds on Earth are threatened due to global warming, deforestation, chemicals in nature and hunting.

The dolphin

The main problem is gillnets, in which they become entangled and often perish. Other threats to the mammal are overfishing and ocean pollution.

The Baggy Mice

This marsupial predatory mammal was discovered in eastern Australia recently, but is already suffering from major Australian wildfires. Much of its staple food, such as insects and spiders, has been absent in recent years due to high temperatures and drought.

The Asian Elephant

The elephant population is drastically declining due to deforestation in South Asia and poaching. This hardly surprises you, as its hunting and illegal sale of elephant teeth and tusks are not a secret to anyone.


According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (ICUN), the number of hippos in the world has dropped to 130,000. Again, illegal hunting and the loss of natural habitat are the reasons why they are on the list of endangered animals.

Sea lion

Sea lions are a subfamily of earthen seals. Among them, South American and Californian species are the most unthreatened. The Sivuch, which runs in the Pacific Ocean, and the New Zealand sea lion fall into the risk group. Unfortunately, the person who has long killed or injured sea lions is the culprit.

Half of all animal species are declining on land, study finds

The deer

Although the International Union for Conservation of Nature places deer in the "least endangered" category, the organization believes they are on the verge of survival. The main reason for this is the changes that humanity makes in their natural environment.

The total number of endangered species exceeds 7000,<>. Nowadays, some of the species at risk of survival are so endangered that they can only be found in zoos or reserves, writes dir.bg.

The extinction of animal species is divided into two types - natural and with human intervention. While natural extinctions occur when animals do not adapt to changing environments such as climate change and new predators, human impacts include habitat destruction, deforestation, pollution, extermination and displacement of animals to new latitudes. The last two are precisely the reasons for the extinction of the dodo bird.

Endangered animals