When is the day of the Holy Spirit 2023

It is celebrated annually on the Monday that follows the Trinity (Green Feasts) or on the 51st day after Easter, so the holiday is transitional. In 2023, the Trinity falls on June 4, so we will celebrate the day of the Holy Spirit on June 5.

What kind of holiday is it - the day of the Holy Spirit

To learn all about Spirits Day, it is worth looking at the pages of the New Testament. In the book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles, for example, one can find the story of how the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles on Pentecost (the 50th day after Easter).

This event occurred in Jerusalem, namely in the upper room of Zion, where the Apostles of Jesus Christ prayed daily. Suddenly, there was a noise in the room that resembled a strong howling of the wind, and suddenly the Holy Spirit, which looked like tongues of fire, descended on all who prayed.

After the descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostles learned to heal the sick, speak in tongues, and prophesy. The Lord endowed the disciples of Christ with such gifts that they could go to countries and carry the Word of God without hindrance.

What to do on Spirits Day: traditions

Among our ancestors, this holiday was considered a day of honoring the Earth, herbs and greenery. It was from this date that the so-called Mermaid Week began, so it was customary to honor mermaids, water, meadow and forest spirits.

There were many legends according to which those girls who died prematurely without getting married became mermaids. People tried to appease these creatures so that they would not cause any harm to the living. For example, on the banks of rivers and reservoirs left various clothes, towels, fabric.

They treated trees and springs with special respect, consecrated water in wells, and also went out into meadows and forests to collect herbs for the treatment of various diseases. They believed that it was during this period that they were endowed with special power.

Often they went to the forest in a cheerful company, and not alone. During such a walk, they ate, drank, sang, danced and had fun in different ways.

They also tried to wash themselves in the morning with water from a well or spring to wash away all misfortunes, diseases and problems. A birch twig was carried to the church, which was consecrated there and brought home - it was considered the strongest talisman against evil forces.

What not to do the day after Trinity

Our ancestors believed that on this day the Earth would become pregnant with a new harvest, so they tried not to go to work in the field or in the garden. It was possible to damage future plants.

Spirits Day is considered a rather big church holiday, so people tried not to sew, embroider or wash. All their free time was devoted to prayer and good deeds.

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  • When the Mermaid Week 2023 begins: history, traditions, folk omens
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