Poems about summer for children 2-3 years old

Summer – flowers, summer – wind, Summer – river, sun,
If only that beautiful summer
Year brought us more than once!

(N. Zamriya)


Everything is warmed by warm rays.
Cheers! Summer begins,
and the sun smiles from the sky –
we do not need greater happiness.


June took care of us – berries for us in

July gave us gladly
Honey flooded with cadub.

August among the fields
of the Harvesters met.


Warm summer goes meadow,Quilting
On the grass wandered,A
sheaf of daisies brought.

(M. Ponomarenko)


The clear-eyed sight
Came from afar,Visibly-invisibly

Flowered brought.
The children became fun
came And the tent over the shoulders
Blue erected.

(Borys Spisarenko)

Poems about summer for children 3-4 years old

Poems about summer for children 3-4 years old / Photo: Pexels


I open the door to summer,Where the warm sun warmed
Air, sky, earth, water,Where

everything grows and bears fruit.
And I will get work:
Just have time to
weed the weed And chase away without interruption
From the fruits of beetles, birds and worms.



Hello June! Hello summer!
Dear sunny time.
Spikes in the field rye,Sunbathes
turn red Juicy, fragrant,In
the house does not sit at all.
Oh, what good days!

(Halyna Demchenko)



You can boil from the heat.
I'm not lying in the cold.
That my brother will not have time to finish,Then
I will help him.
Linden trees bloom around densely And bees
carry honey to the village...
In winter, drink tea with blossom – Colds –
as if it did not exist!



I am the final month of summer.
Do not disturb me at this time.
I can't rest for a minute –
I hasten to harvest.
Once rye sickle mowed,That's
why the name of me is August.
Now the combines are racing hundred,Their
uncle Sickle will not catch up.


We can run in shorts, walk in the woods and in the field, swim, play on the courts,

until autumn
invites us to school.

(Karyna Melnychuk)

Poems about summer for children 5-6 years old

Grasshoppers, grasshoppers
murmur merrily.
sunshine Ran out ribbon.
Lark with bell
From blue — green!
Fun grasshoppers
Sends songs all day.
Grasshoppers, grasshoppers,In
flowers and in the
grass Little bells
We hear alive.
With blue dews
Morning washed his face,Rye
Tilts breeze.
Grasshoppers, grasshoppers
murmur merrily.
Littechko, ladybug
Glad to meet.

(V. Kravchuk)



Blue sky
On the
ladder The sun
rises In a cloud.
The sun shines,Summer smells,Behind

it the rain
Says to the rain:
– Don't be angry,I'm hiding,You


(Elena Polyanskaya)


На морі

Хвилі бавляться та б'ються,
Наче неслухи-хлоп'ята.
І стрибають, і сміються:
Вітер їм лоскоче п'яти.
Вгору, вниз і знову вгору
Підганяє дужий вітер.
Розгойдав він ціле море
Як же хвилям не радіти!

(Л. Колос)



За крутими берегами
Пахне сіно полинами,
На ромашці бджілка спить,
З неба капає блакить.

Явори лоскоче вітер,
Розплітає вербам віти,
Літо шепче до води:
– Я прийду іще сюди.

(Л. Новикова)


Сонечко моє

З піснею про сонечко
Йду в дитячий сад.
Миле, миле сонечко,
Як тобі я рад!

Сонечко моє

Сонечко здіймається,
Плине в вишині.
Сонечко всміхається
Весело мені.

Сонечко моє

В небі ні хмариночки
Все кругом сія...
Он іде Мариночка
І співа, як я:

Сонечко моє

Вірші про літо і кохання для підлітків

Вірші про літо і кохання для підлітків / Фото: Pexels

Замайоріло літо пишно і яскраво:
Стрункі майори в різнокольорових сорочках
Стоять між інших квітів гордо й величаво,
А неба полотно в хмаринках, ніби в латочках.
Тепло розхлюпує липневий ранок щедро,
В повітрі запах липи ніжний й крапельку хмільний.
А ще – неначе в ступочці мигдаль розтерто,
То запах абрикос, як мед, солодкий і терпкий.
У липні сталась наша зустріч. Пам'ятаєш?
Зірки з цікавістю всю ніч дивилися на нас.
Пройшли роки... Можливо, в сон мій завітаєш?
Чарівну ніч удвох до ранку вип'ємо ще раз.

(Ольга Радченко)



Яка теплінь! Немає зовсім спеки,
І вся земля одним теплом цвіте.
В заплавах поспиналися лелеки –
Їм чути навіть, як трава росте.

Я на човні. А озеро – прозоре,
І в нім життя клекоче і буя.
Дрімають верби в сонячнім просторі,
І в озері на дні розтанув я.

Яка теплінь! Не буде громовиці,
Голубить світ ласкава ця теплінь.
На лузі скошенім нестрижені копиці,
Як дітлахи, біжать у далечінь.

Не знаю я, навіщо жить на світі.
В нім стільки лиха, зла, куди не кинь.
Та, мабуть, варт хоч день один зустріти,
Коли бува така ясна теплінь.

(Іван Коваленко)


What did we have? Love and summer.
Love and summer without anxiety.
That's it. In fact
, not so little as for two.
Behold, our nights August shall survive,September shall sweep through the thunder,And

the sky
shall be beautiful With the glass stars of winter!

And again the bumblebee will squint the flower,And
the summer will play lotto.
And again weave gossip on the spokes of the
Hundred Handed Giant Nobody.
And in this day the cycle,Where everything passes in a hurry,Like that bird on the wire,Rest

a tired soul.

(Lina Kostenko)


Summer day

It was a fragile summer day,It
was summer to say goodbye.
So few songs fell out,It
seemed to be the last.
And where the strange singing came from,I
do not understand to this day.
And I could not make out the words Over the
lake in the valley.
The centurion, the water lily, the sedge, And the lilies on the water,

And the angel of God rose high
Admiring the earth.
And we will never
, anywhere
, forget That fragile summer day,
Which was God's singing to us.
And all this will go to heaven,To live otherworldly,For pure joy is not extinguished,Remains


(Ivan Kovalenko)


Woman's heart! Are you ice chilled,Or fragrant,
wonderful spring bloom?
Is moonlight light? Terrible fire,What
destroys everything? Are you like the quiet dreams of
Innocence? Or like that banner of war,
What calls for tribulation? Do thorns,Do
you bear fruit? Angel are you above ground
Is the demon fierce from hell deep?
What are you fighting for? What is your love?
What do you believe? What do you live? What do you want?
What are you changing in, and what is constant? Languages!
You are the ocean: beckon and drown;
You are a paradise mined for the price of shackles.
You are summer: you warm at once and kill with thunder.

(Ivan Franko)

Poems about summer for adults

Summer has stopped on the
threshold And breathes flames on everything,
And the thunder of a proud threat
Weary air carries.

The green summer
will wash And laugh like a child, –
Spring and spring blossom
Shall I see the gate?

Will spring dreams come true?
Won't summer fool them?
Will not they be scattered across the steppe,
Like down on golden willows?

(Maksym Rylsky)


Sweetheart, wake up, you pass summer
white palms melting — fresh salt
Resinous eyelashes — modern hangover medicines
move, let's develop a target
there beam past, fragrant and clean
shoulders tanned, flour, not the beach
while you sleep, July passing numbers
gray places of time give experience
summer passes, wrinkles-puppets then near the lips, when
the laughter of soap subsides, in the morning would have time for those moments

Live together, remember everything
near Podil Day and the boat goes
fish, like smoky thoughts Cubes melt along the border
- then ice dilutes soda
Quiet child New memory runs rapidly dawns, I launch a thousand balls
of blue on blue
soap in the sky, wake up, hold your hand
Summer passes while you are in
a dream.

(Miriam Dragina)