In Thailand, a cat fell out of an apartment in a high-rise building, crashing the car below, but he himself remained unharmed.

The incident occurred in Bangkok. The four-legged Shifu collapsed onto a red MG car from a window on the sixth floor.

Shifu did not suffer any injuries, which cannot be said about the car. The whale broke the rear window and damaged the engine.

He also damaged the engine / Photo:

When the owner of the car, Apiwat Toyotaka realized that the culprit of the accident was an 8.5-kilogram fluffy, he immediately stopped angry. The man admitted that he loves cats very much.

The cat broke the glass in the car / Photo:

The manager of Orras' house said she saw a fat cat fall from the sixth floor to the third floor and then fall on the car. She noted that the cat was lucky that she stopped on the third floor before falling further.

For their part, owners of the sturdy Shifu were fined 1000,28 baht ($<>) as pets are not allowed in Bangkok apartment buildings.

Apiwath also reported Shifu's condition to his followers and friends on Facebook because many were worried about the cat.

He posted X-rays and said:

"Shifu feels good. He eats, drinks and defecates as usual. There are no wounds or bruises on his body, except for two claws."

The cat was not injured / Photo:

Shifu after the accident / Photo:

Recall, the woman told how a month lived on the volcano. She spent 32 days at Pico de Orisaba.

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