Vidin, Blagoevgrad and Haskovo are at the bottom in terms of salaries in the country.

The difference between the average salaries there and in the capital, for example, is twice. And compared to the average salary for the country, people in the three cities receive a third less, according to NSI data for the first quarter of the year. They are based on information submitted by the employers themselves.

An interesting fact is that in the period January-March wages are lower than at the end of last year. This is due to the bonuses for Christmas, which, however, were not big this year, Nova TV reported.

If they do not raise the salaries in the NSSI, the payment of pensions and maternity leave is stopped

In the last in the ranking regions receive between 1238 leva in Vidin and 1244 leva in Haskovo. All this, however, is with the proviso that the salaries of workers in the so-called public sector are much higher - nearly BGN 1600,1100 compared to only BGN <>,<> in the private sector. People in the region confirm this and have an explanation for the differences. According to them, everything depended on how profitable an industry was and whether it had hidden income – the so-called "gray" economy

