The descendants of the great Bulgarian poet and playwright Ivan Radoev some time ago made a page in the social network with his poems, appearances, in order to keep awake the memory of him and his worthy human and creative path. I publish the following address to the Union of Bulgarian Writers because of its eternal moral value.

On May 20, 1993, Ivan Radoev refused to accept a poetry prize from the Union of Bulgarian Writers. Here are the reasons given in a special letter:

"Friends! Ladies and gentlemen!
I never imagined this moment –
at the age of 66 – to receive a poetry award
from the Union of Bulgarian Writers. This means that either poetry is questionable or the reward. A reward crowns a deed or is an incentive for new successes.

The crown of glory for my head is long gone.

If the reward is given to me as an incentive, then only human stupidity can be stimulated in these years.
But I thank you! Why?
In the last thirty years I have accumulated about 200 poems and 4-5 poems, which were known to only a few people. It was my great wealth, which made me independent during the time of my silence. During these three decades, I was plucked by friends to publish a book called "A White Leaf" and 17 years later - "White Sinking".

During these thirty years, my name was doomed to oblivion.

Even when the names of my "dead generation" were listed, I was in "and others." So, if I have any merit to Bulgarian poetry during this time, it consists in my non-participation. In this sense, I take pride in the prize for non-participation in the poetic life of that senile time. And as for the future, if one day I get under the wheels of the textbook, keep in mind that I wanted to live longer.
Thank you,
Ivan Radoev"
The title belongs to the editor



Ivan Radoev