An acquaintance of Judge Alexei Tandir, who on the night of May 26 shot down Vadim Bondarenko, at a checkpoint, is surprised that the judge could get behind the wheel drunk.

In a comment to, the interlocutor notes that Tandoor, even when drinking on holidays, always called a taxi or took a driver.

"I am surprised that he was, according to media reports, drunk driving. If he drank on holidays, he always called a taxi or took a driver. What happened this time is still a mystery," a source from Alexei Tandoor's entourage told us.

Accident in Kyiv with the participation of a judge: what is known

In Kyiv, at a checkpoint on the night of May 26, a judge of the district court of the Kyiv region knocked to death a National Guard serviceman. The fighter died on the spot from his injuries. The judge has already been detained, but he does not agree to take an alcohol test. This examination needs to be urgently carried out in order to be able to determine the gravity of the crime committed.

Subsequently, it became known that an accident with the participation of a judge occurred on Bereisteysky Avenue during the curfew.

Law enforcement officers began an investigation into cases under the article on violation of road safety rules or operation of vehicles by persons in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or other intoxication, if they caused the death of the victim. The judge faces up to 10 years in prison.

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  • Fatal accident with a judge and a military man in Kyiv: photos from the accident site appeared
  • I wanted to go to the front line, but left at the checkpoint: it became known who was knocked to death by an unfortunate judge in Kyiv
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