I love — this word in the Ukrainian language is customary to express your love for a person. But that's not the only way to describe your feelings.

How people talked about love, told the well-known Ukrainian teacher and linguist Oleksandr Avramenko on the air of "Breakfast with 1+1".

"She dries after him, and he does not gasp" — about unrequited love.

"Every bird will find its game" – when a person cannot find a mate, he is upset because of this, suffers.

"A rich girl has no hump in sight" - when a guy falls in love not so much with a girl as with her dowry, if she is wealthy. Then such a lady does not notice the shortcomings.

"Love is like scabies: you can't heal for nothing" — about lovers to frenzy.

"Where love is in the house, there are rich people" – when it is good that love reigns between people.

Finally, Oleksandr Avramenko urged to protect his love, cherish it and not forget to take care of the purity of his speech.

Recall, experts found that the built-in spell check functions in some browsers, in particular Google Chrome, transmit a lot of personal data, and sometimes even passwords.

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