In New York, a complete Jewish Bible was put up for auction for $38.1 million. It is one of the highest prices for a book or historical document ever sold at auction.

Writes about The New York Times.

The earliest Hebrew Bible, namely the ninth-century volume of the Sassoon Codex, is more than 1,100 years old. To create it, 400 parchment sheets and skins of hundreds of animals were used.

The Hebrew Bible contains 24 books divided into three sections: the Pentateuch, the Prophets, and the Scriptures.

It was bought by the Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv with money from a donation from Alfred Moses. The head of the museum's board, Iryna Nevzlin, stressed that the Bible is now returning home to Israel.

We will remind, at auction Sotheby's in Hong Kong for $ 57.7 million sold an extremely rare pink diamond Williamson Pink Star. The name of the stone refers to another piece of jewelry given to the late Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain for the wedding – this, apparently, helped to double the initial cost of the lot.

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