Hsinchu Mayor Gao Hongan called for an increase of 1,000 yuan in childcare allowances before the election. After the election, he planned to use physical coupons to distribute it?

City Councilor Zeng Zicheng worried that more problems would arise.

(taken from Zeng Zicheng Facebook)

[Reporter Hong Meixiu/Hsinchu Report] Hsinchu Mayor Gao Hongan yesterday for the first time aimed at the 1,000 yuan increase in childcare allowances for children aged 0-6. Councilor Zeng Zicheng said today that before the election, Gao Hongan called for an increase in the childcare allowance by 1,000 yuan, but after the election, he said that he would instead use physical coupons for distribution, but it may cause more problems, and it is worth watching.

Zeng Zicheng said that if physical coupons are to be issued, taking Hsinchu as an example, there are about 36,000 people aged 0-6, and 36,000 physical coupons are circulated on the market every month, and 432,000 coupons a year. Could physical coupons be targeted by counterfeiters?

I am afraid that you will need to find a printing factory at the level of the central printing factory to print the physical coupons.

In addition to the city government having to raise 432 million yuan in budget subsidies to parents, the printing costs, management costs, verification costs, and inspection and assessment costs of physical coupons may be an additional huge financial burden.

The issuance of physical coupons is not a one-time issuance, but a regular issuance every month. This is a long-term policy. Who will issue it?

Is there sufficient manpower to distribute?

Is there a sound anti-fraud management mechanism?

If physical coupons are used in reference to other counties and cities, they are limited to the use of food, and there are limitations in use. Unlike cash, parents can use them according to their needs.

In addition, if the physical coupons are limited to cooperative manufacturers, why not other manufacturers?

Where is the fairness?

Will there be a question of profit.

Zeng Zicheng also questioned whether the distribution of childcare allowances in physical vouchers can meet the mayor's political demands of Gao Hongan and meet the expectations of the citizens is unknown, but it remains to be seen whether it will cause more problems.

In this regard, the city government emphasized that the issuance of physical coupons is in the research and discussion stage, and will continue to communicate and develop with the central government.