Lu Yuling, the current legislator of the fifth constituency of Taoyuan City.

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[Reporter Zheng Shuting/Taoyuan Report] KMT Taoyuan City Legislative Primary Election, the 1st constituency (Luzhu District, Guishan District, Taoyuan District 15) has the registration of Councilor Niu Xuting and 21 Party Representative Chen Wenji. It is expected to be May 7, 8, 9 The poll will be conducted on the 10th and the results will be announced on the 10th.

In the 5th constituency (Pingzhen, Longtan), in addition to the current legislator Lu Yuling, councilors Shu Cuiling and Huang Jingping intend to challenge. After coordination today, the three candidates are determined. The poll will determine the candidate. It is expected to be held on May 28, 29, and 30. The results will be announced on the 31st, and the winners will face off against Democratic Progressive Party member Yang Jiaxuan.

KMT Taoyuan City 5th Constituency Legislative Primary Election, incumbent legislators and councilors must be elected, the city party department held a coordination meeting this morning, presided over by Huang Mingong, chairman of the municipal party department, and Cai Zhongcheng, chairman of Huang Guoyuan Department, Lu Yuling, Shu Cuiling Members and Huang Jingping both attended in person, and the atmosphere was harmonious during the coordination process. The three showed gentlemanly demeanor, and agreed that unity and winning the election should be the primary goal.

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The city party department stated that after three consecutive days of polls, it is expected to announce the results of the poll at the city party department at 10 am on the 31st. At the same time, it also clarified that the reference poll data for the 5th constituency of the Kuomintang recently released by the media was not conducted by the city party department. Please do not spread rumors, the relevant data will be nominated based on the survey results of the polling company commissioned by the Coordinating Committee.

Taoyuan City Councilor Shu Cuiling intends to challenge legislators to the next level.

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Taoyuan City Councilor Huang Jingping registered to participate in the primary election of the party's fifth constituency.

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