The waters of the flood discharge channel in Pacheng, Puli Township have recently seen a massive explosion of the baguette lotus. The water surface is densely packed with the baguette lotus, together with a large amount of garbage flowing from the upstream, the environmental landscape has been completely destroyed.

(Provided by Puli Town River Ecological Conservation Association)

[Reporter Tong Zhenguo/Report from Nantou] Nantou County’s Puli Township City Pacheng Flood Discharge Road, not only due to the rise in temperature has recently caused the outbreak of the baguette lotus to affect the ecology and water quality, but also a large amount of garbage flowed from the upstream, and the environmental landscape was completely destroyed. Puli River Ecological Conservation The association mobilized a number of volunteers dressed in "frog suits" to clear out hundreds of kilograms of garbage in 2 hours under the heat of nearly 30 degrees.

The Pacheng Floodway on Nan'an Road, Puli Township is an important drainage system in the urban area, and it also has the urban riverbank landscape. In recent years, the public office has implemented water environment projects in sections. The first phase of the Longsheng Bridge section has been completed, and the second and third phases of the project will be carried out in succession. , but the waters in the upper reaches have not yet been rehabilitated. Recently, due to the lack of rain and high temperature, the water surface has been covered with bag lotus, which has affected drainage and the ecological environment. And the weed room, after being exposed to high temperature, it emits a more foul smell. Opposite is the 18-degree C chocolate workshop business district where tourists gather, which also affects the tourist image of Puli.

The River Ecological Conservation Association in Puli Township, Nantou mobilized a number of volunteers, wearing "frog suits" and sweating under the high temperature to remove garbage. In 2 hours, they cleaned up 35 kilograms of general garbage and 125 kilograms of recyclable garbage, most of which were empty beverage bottles. , Drinking it and throwing it away, treating the Pacheng Floodway as an open-air garbage dump, the public morality failed.

The Puli Town Office stated that at present, monitors have been installed along the flood discharge road in Pacheng, and the littering is strengthened through scientific and technological law enforcement. It is also planned to remove the bag lotus, and in accordance with the progress of the downstream water environment project, after the water is released, it will be reported to the competent authority and the county government to use large-scale machines or entrust conservation volunteers to assist in the removal.

Volunteers from the River Ecological Conservation Association in Puli Township wore "frog suits" and braved the high temperature and odor to remove garbage from the flood discharge channel in Pacheng.

(Provided by Puli Town River Ecological Conservation Association)

People casually threw empty bottles of drinks into the flood discharge channel of Pacheng, forming a terrifying plastic river.

(Provided by Puli Town River Ecological Conservation Association)

Volunteers spent 2 hours clearing out 35kg of general rubbish and 125kg of recyclable rubbish, mostly empty beverage bottles.

(Provided by Puli Town River Ecological Conservation Association)