In order to curb unhealthy trends, Guan Biling, the chairperson of the Maritime Commission, has requested the approval of the Executive Yuan to plan to expand the system of the Coast Guard's political office.

(Provided by the IOC)

[Reporter Hong Dinghong/Kaohsiung Report] Following the bribery case of the officers and soldiers of the Badouzi Fishing Port Security Inspection Station, three people, including the chief of staff of the Mazu Shore Patrol, were arrested and banned for allegedly embezzling, stealing and selling canned food from the national army; Heartbroken.” In order to curb unhealthy trends, the Executive Yuan has been submitted to the Executive Yuan for approval to plan to expand the Coast Guard’s political style room system. In the future, the 8 branches of the Coast Guard will add new political style units. It is estimated that a total of 16 political style personnel will be added, hoping to strengthen the law Literacy, put an end to the black sheep, correct the morals!

Guan Biling expressed earnestly that she inspected the Coast Guard on the first day she took office, and on the second day after the first executive report was held at the headquarters of the Kaohsiung Association, she made an appointment with the Department of Political Conduct, hoping to implement a clean government system and get rid of the "bad few".

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However, in the past three months since taking office, Guan Biling found that there are about 10,000 colleagues in the Coast Guard, distributed in 8 sub-administrations including the northern, central, southern, eastern, Jinma Peng, Southeast Sands, reconnaissance and fleet, and its subordinate units are spread all over the country. In counties, cities and outlying islands, only the headquarters of the Coast Guard in Taipei City has a political office, and it is difficult to supervise and deal with complex political affairs.

Therefore, in addition to requesting support from the Political Affairs Department of the Maritime Commission, Guan Biling has also submitted to the Executive Yuan for approval to revise the staffing table and expand the manpower of the Administrative Office of the Coast Guard. 16 people, hoping to strengthen the quality of legal discipline.

Guan Biling emphasized that she has exchanged opinions with the Ministry of Justice, and Minister Cai Qingxiang is quite supportive.

Guan Biling pointed out that the officers and soldiers involved in the Badouzi Fishing Port Security Inspection were very young, and those involved in the Matsuan patrol team mistakenly thought that they were just "pure investment", not only lacking legal literacy, but also suspected of taking risks for money. Go directly to the branch office, strengthen publicity, and be able to supervise nearby, get close to the grassroots to grasp information,

Guan Biling emphasized that she actively visits the front line of the sea patrol and deeply feels the hard work of colleagues at the grassroots level. Whether it is sea patrol, coastal patrol, or investigation of gun and drug smuggling, most of them are responsible and keep their points. Defending the positive image of national security will continue to require government units to play the role of correct conduct.