Former President Ma Ying-jeou's title was dwarfed by the official website of Greece's "Delphi Economic Forum".

(Extracted from "Delphi Economic Forum", synthesized by this newspaper)

[Central News Agency] Former President Ma Ying-jeou's title was dwarfed by the official website of Greece's "Delphi Economic Forum". The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called for careful assessment of whether to attend the meeting.

Xiao Xucen, executive director of the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation, said today that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently claimed that the sponsor had been changed due to its efforts.

The Office of Horse Affairs stated that Ma Ying-jeou will still attend the forum.

Xiao Xucen said that if the Cai government cannot obtain the correct title because of its incompetence, Ma Ying-jeou, as a private citizen, must strive for opportunities to speak out to the international community and highlight Taiwan's most pressing problems at present.

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Former President Ma Ying-jeou was invited to attend the opening ceremony of the "Delphi Economic Forum" in Greece on the 26th, but today the official website dwarfed Ma Ying-jeou's title as "former leader of Taipei".

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on Ma Ying-jeou to carefully evaluate whether to attend the meeting before his title is corrected.

In this regard, Xiao Xucen, executive director of the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation, said through a press release that regarding the title of Ma Ying-jeou at the Greek Delphi Economic Forum, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement a few days ago, claiming that after negotiation, the organizer has changed Ma Ying-jeou's title. If there is a change, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is requested to take responsibility and handle it properly.

As for the foreign ministry's suggestion that Ma Ying-jeou should be absent from the forum, Xiao Xucen said it was "very ridiculous". Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie cut off 7 diplomatic relations with countries during his term of office and none of them resigned. Meeting.

Xiao Xucen said that since the Tsai administration boasted that President Tsai Ing-wen participated in the "Copenhagen Democracy Summit" in Denmark and won the correct title, please Wu Zhaoxie take the same active role in fighting for Ma Ying-jeou, and must not treat Ma Ying-jeou just because of party affiliation. Adopting two sets of standards while launching political attacks at the same time.