Taipei city councilor Xu Qiaoxin criticized Xu Shuhua again today, threatening to report Xu for fraudulently receiving the councilor's attendance fee.

(Photographed by reporter Fang Bin)

[Reporter Cai Sipei/Taipei Report] In the 2024 Taipei Seventh Constituent District (Xinyi, Nansongshan) Legislative Election, the Kuomintang will send North City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin, and North City Councilor Xu Shuhua will represent the DPP. , is a "salary thief", but was called a "core water thief" by Xu.

Xu Qiaoxin approved "logical death" again today, threatening to report Xu for fraudulently receiving councilor's attendance fee; Xu Shuhua countered that Xu has been a councilor for 4 years and still does not know the parliamentary procedures.

Xu Shuhua said that she welcomes Xu Qiaoxin's report, she will treat it with optimism and accept it humbly, thank you for your advice.

Xu Qiaoxin is also very upset. After 4 years as a member, he still doesn't know the parliamentary procedures. Xu explained that in principle, the parliamentary meeting on Wednesday is to sign in. If the members have ideas, they can express them through the meeting; if they have no opinions on the afternoon bill, the members can go back Serve.

Xu Shuhua said that she regularly provides legal services at the palace temple on Wednesdays, at the service office on Thursday nights, and at the market on Saturdays.

Songshan Cihui Church held the Taipei Mother and Mother Culture Festival prayer ceremony this morning. Xu Qiaoxin and Xu Shuhua both attended, and the two even exchanged fire in the air during the interview.

Xu said that she kicked Xu's failure to attend Wednesday's parliamentary meeting, which may involve fraudulent attendance fees. Normal people would jump out and complain about slander, but Xu did not respond to the issue of fraudulent attendance fees, only throwing the blame on unrelated people.

Xu Qiaoxin re-approved that the thief who fraudulently received the attendance fee was Xu Shuhua. Although Xu said that he was out of office to serve and ask politics, the most basic duty of a member of parliament was to review the budget. .

Xu Geng choked, if such a person enters the Legislative Yuan, except for the DPP who asks to ring the bell to vote, all are absent, and many congressional bills cannot be passed, which will be a disappointment to the people.

Xu Qiaoxin released the "Xu Shuhua Photo Album" taken at the parliamentary meeting yesterday, and questioned that Xu left after signing in, and hardly participated in the discussion.

Today, Xu is very sad that the DPP primary election was wrong. North City Councilor Hong Jianyi was present when she was filming. For Xu Shuhua, attending the DPP regular meeting is more important than meeting in the parliament and reviewing the budget.

Xu criticized Xu as a member of the party's will and a puppet of the new trend. If he enters Congress, he will still be a puppet of the new trend and a legislator of the party's will.

Xu said that a township representative was sentenced for fraudulently collecting attendance fees. Will Xu Shuhua be next to be sentenced?

Xu said that the report has not yet been made, but the retrospective period is still there, and he can go whenever he wants.

Xu Shuhua countered that Xu Qiaoxin has been a member of Parliament for 4 years and still does not know the parliamentary procedures.

(Photographed by reporter Fang Bin)