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A union between "Continuing the Change-Democratic Bulgaria" and GERB-SDS would not be a coalition, but a diagnosis.

This was stated in the program "Offensive" on NOVA NEWS by the chairperson of "Stand Up, Bulgaria" Maya Manolova

Maya Bozhidarova Manolova is a Bulgarian politician, a representative from the parliamentary group of

According to her, the political theater will end with new elections.

"This Labor government-making May Day frenzy that has gripped the parties in Parliament is a contest of talking and lying.

It's a theater of shadows.

The shadows are the party interests that are different from the interests of the citizens.

In it we observe all kinds of characters - tragic, comic, dramatic, incl.

puppets," she explained.

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According to her, during the election campaign, her party did not announce that it would form a government.

"We have not lied to our voters.

The two big parties are like two brides and both want marriage, but mom and dad don't give.

They are afraid to tell the truth - they will not form a government.

The bill for the performance is paid by the Bulgarian citizens", added Manolova.

According to her, the submitted budget with a deficit of 6.4 percent is not due to the official cabinet, but is the result of the management of the "quadruple coalition".

Maya Manolova