An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.5 on the Richter scale occurred at the junction of Yilan and Hualien at 16:49 today, with a maximum magnitude of 4.

(The picture is taken from the Central Meteorological Bureau)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] At 16:49 today (17th), an earthquake with a scale of 4.5 on the Richter Scale occurred at the junction of Yilan and Hualien, with a maximum magnitude of 4.

According to the observations of the Central Meteorological Bureau, at 16:49 today, an earthquake with a scale of 4.5 on the Richter scale occurred at the junction of Yilan and Hualien. In the township, the depth of the earthquake was 17.1 kilometers.

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The maximum earthquake intensity in various places is as follows: the maximum earthquake intensity of Yilan Nanao and Hualien Taroko is 4; the maximum earthquake intensity of Yilan Aohua, Wuta, Niudou, Hualien Heping, Xibao, and Nantou Hehuanshan is 3; the maximum earthquake intensity of other areas is 1-2.