Active criticism of the Russian Ministry of Defense and its head Shoigu by the owner of PVK "Wagner" Evgeny Prigozhin creates many problems for Putin.

Therefore, the dictator wants to appease Prigozhin and reconcile him with Shoigu.

This was stated by Russian political scientist and Putin's former speechwriter Abbas Galyamov, Channel 24 reports.

Gallyamov commented on the "merged" information in the Pentagon documents that Putin single-handedly wanted to reconcile Prigozhin and Shoigu.

For this purpose, he allegedly arranged a meeting for them in the Kremlin.

"I believe that such a meeting took place, I didn't even assume that it might not have happened. Because the conflicts between the army and "Wagner" hit Putin himself. That is, it could not have happened that Putin did not try to solve it. Putinska the structure rests on the bureaucracy. It is all arranged in such a way that the leadership "from above" is actually a god. And Prigozhin, together with the Wagnerites, is "breaking" the military leadership in Russia," the political technologist emphasized.

According to him, all the scandalous statements of Prigozhin and his fighters criticizing the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation cause reputational losses to the military leadership of Russia.

Gallyamov gave two examples of how a dictator, relying on force, can rule:

  • rely on security forces in the form of bureaucracy: NKVD, FSB, Gestapo, etc.;

  • the main force on which the ruler rests is not some structure.

    It is a structureless mass consisting of the marginal strata of society who are devoted to him personally.

    The ruler resorts to this method when he does not trust bureaucratic structures and the elite, suspecting them of disloyalty.

"I think Prigozhin moved in this direction: the state bureaucracy is inefficient, unreliable, the army does not know how to fight, that's why Wagner is here. He himself said earlier that they should turn from an ordinary PMK into an army with an ideology," the political scientist noted. .

He does not rule out that Putin himself considered such an option with the "Wagner" PMC, given the military failures of the regular army at the front.

"But Putin is a conservative person. In him, the bureaucrat defeated the criminal," Galyamov noted.

In his opinion, the dictator still decided to bet on the traditional bureaucracy.

That is why he is now trying to put Prigozhin in his place.

Earlier, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) stated that Prigozhin wanted to take advantage of the military failure of the Russian Federation after the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces.

According to Russian oppositionist Mark Feigin, Yevgeny Prigozhin is dangerous for Putin's regime, because he is not under the control of the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation and has political ambitions.

Read also:

  • Prigozhin wants to show himself as a candidate for the presidency of Russia in the 2024 elections - ISW

  • "The objectives of the SVO have been achieved": the leader of the Wagnerites Prigozhin called for an end to the war against Ukraine

  • Prigozhin and Kadyrov threaten Putin's power: the military explained how everything could end

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