The Democratic Progressive Party's legislative primary election polls will begin tomorrow. Candidate Huang Shou-da in Taichung's 6 constituency is accompanied by councilors Lin Deyu and Lin Xinfeng to call for votes.

(Photo by reporter Su Mengjuan)

[Reporter Su Mengjuan/Taichung Report] The DPP’s Taichung City Legislative Committee’s 6th Constituency (Central West Southeast District) poll primary election will be held from tomorrow to the 23rd. Three candidates will use the last Sunday to strengthen their sprint. Accompanied by city councilors Zeng Chaorong, Zhou Yonghong, and Cai Yaojie, they called for votes at the Jianguo Market in the Eastern District, promising that if elected as a legislator, they would do their best to help the modernization and transformation of the traditional market; Huang Shouda also invited the city councilors Lin Deyu, Lin Qifeng, and Zheng Gongjin's team At the Dazhi Market in the Eastern District, he shouted "Law and politics are all-round, and we will support the law and enter the Congress" to win the support of the public; Jiang He Kunlin, accompanied by his family, went to the Central and Western District, including Art Garden Road, to seek support, emphasizing again If there is a vacancy, there will be no by-election. The two opponents are both excellent members and can continue to serve in the local area, and the central government will hand it over to him.

In addition, Legislator Huang Guoshu of the 6 constituencies of Taichung City has not publicly stated his support since the primary election of the Democratic Progressive Party. Candidate Huang Shouda put up a "Huang Guoshu's only support" billboard to cause discussion. He said that he has the right to make any choice and decision. Huang Guoshu himself agreed, "There is no problem with this part", but what is more important is the expectations of voters for the legislators and the expectations of the central, western and southeastern regions; Everyone works hard." Maybe it's because he wants to give the three young people a test, and hopes that everyone will rely on their own efforts to win voters' approval. Enter the 6th constituency.

The well-known artist Li Yujin, who performed "Relatives Don't Care", went south to support his friend Jiang Zhaoguo in the market. The politician who is placed first is a choice worthy of everyone's support and entrustment.

Zeng Chaorong, Zhou Yonghong, and Cai Yaojie also emphasized that Jiang Zhaoguo has 5 years of experience in the central government and 3 local councilors. He has also participated in 4 elections for legislators. The district has a vision of long-term planning. If you enter the Legislative Yuan, you can start immediately and take over Huang Guoshu's work completely.

Lin Deyu and Lin Qifeng, who accompanied Huang Shouda to vote, affirmed Huang Shouda's major in politics and an outstanding talent with a legal background. They hoped that voters would support him to enter the Legislative Yuan and strive for more development for Taichung.

As for He Kunlin, the whole family mobilized. He and his wife took three children to seek support at Wuquan Station, Art Garden Road, etc. He Kunlin said that he hoped to bring his children to witness and learn the credit of democracy, and to continue the democracy of "Hejiaban" Spirit.

He Kunlin said that after the current city councilor is elected as a legislator, there will be no by-election of city councilors in the constituency. Waiting for one less councilor to serve. One more Mindai "2+1 construction is more powerful".

The Democratic Progressive Party Legislative Primary Election polls will start tomorrow. Jiang Zhaoguo invites his artist friend Li Yu to accompany the market to call for votes, and the enthusiastic stall vendors send pineapple and vegetable head blessings.

(Photo by reporter Su Mengjuan)

He Kunlin's family mobilized warmly to seek support.

(Photo: provided by He Kunlin)