The torch team of Shendong Elementary School in Changhua County was dispatched, and elementary school students held the torch around the temple in the school district to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the school.

(provided by the public)

[Reporter Liu Xiaoxin/Changhua Report] A special birthday celebration!

Shendong Elementary School in Shengang Township, Changhua County is about to celebrate its 50th birthday. Today, elementary school students hold the torch high and walk around the nine temples in the school district to pray for blessings. The distance is about 5 to 6 kilometers. The students report to the gods, thank you The blessings of the gods of the school district also pray for the safety and success of the school sports meeting.

Chen Wenqing, the principal of Shendong Elementary School, said that the school also held a round-the-country prayer for the torch relay during the 40th anniversary of the school. This year coincides with the 50th birthday, and decided to reproduce the ceremony of the torch prayer. He also invited Huang Yongqin, the mayor of Shengang Township Enthusiastically participate with the township representatives.

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Chen Wenqing said that there are 9 temples in the school district of Shendong Elementary School, and the total distance from the school to the 9 temples is about 5 to 6 kilometers. Therefore, the holy fire stops are planned to be 11 stations, and the distance between each station is about 5.5 kilometers. In the 600-meter race, the children of the flame team are responsible for running one leg, and then handing over the flame to the next leg.

Chen Wenqing emphasized that using the torch to go around is not only to pray for the school celebration, but also to make the best publicity for the upcoming school celebration next week, because when the torch team is dispatched, it will become the most eye-catching focus in the school district, especially The school celebration flame team has only seen each other for 10 years, so of course they are the strongest spokesperson for the school celebration.

The pupils of Shendong Elementary School held the holy fire around the palace and temple, thanking the gods of the school district for their protection.

(provided by the public)