Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan answered the question.

(Photo by reporter Cong Changjin)

[Reporter Yang Xinhui/Taipei Report] Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan went to the Taipei City Council to deliver the second day's policy address. The Beishi government demanded an apology for interfering with personnel affairs, but Jiang Wan'an only said that if the response was not Zhou Yan was willing to make a deep review, Lin Zhenyu would be angry, and if he did not apologize, this session will continue to wait and see.

Jiang Wan'an's small cabinet personnel has not yet been finalized in January this year. The People's Party held a press conference at the time and criticized the Chiang City Government as a "low-profile" team. It was criticized by Luo Wangzhe, the spokesman of the Taipei City Government at the time. The Taipei City Government adheres to the principle of meritocracy. Please the People's Party do not interfere with personnel arrangements and cause trouble to civil servants.

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During the interrogation, Lin Zhenyu asked Jiang Wanan whether he had received a personnel request from any member of the People's Party?

Jiang Wan'an replied no; Lin Zhenyu also asked the officials at the scene if they had received a personnel request, but no one raised their hands at the scene; Lin Zhenyu was furious, the public party group was concerned about the lack of a city chief, but the spokesperson said, "Don't interfere with personnel affairs and trouble civil servants. The Jiang Municipal Government should apologize to the popular party group.

Jiang Wan'an responded that the congressman did not interfere with personnel affairs. If he spoke before and did not respond well to the congressman, we are willing to make a deep review; but Lin Zhenyu criticized this as slander, "Because you are slandering the congressman elected by the citizens of Taipei, you want to Don’t give back an explanation to the People’s Party Group?” Jiang Wan’an reiterated that he did not mention interfering in personnel affairs. Indeed, he did not speak carefully before, “Our team is willing to review together.”

Lin Zhenyu replied angrily, didn't speak well?

Is this called speaking without delay?

The representatives of the government slandered the city councilors. Can the Beishi government slander and interfere with personnel affairs at will?

Does Jiang Shifu want to apologize?

If there is no answer, we will continue to wait and see during this session!

In addition, the People's Party member Huang Jingying raised questions about social housing, questioning that Jiang Wan'an did not have specific goals and schedules for the construction of social housing, and hoped to set a clear goal. Jiang Wan'an said that he would move towards 50,000 households. It will continue to be built, and the incentives will be increased through multiple channels and urban renewal.