Lin Nan was convicted by the Kaohsiung Higher Branch Court for biting someone by his pet dog.

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[Reporter Bao Jianxin/Kaohsiung Report] A female resident surnamed Yang of the building brought a black fur child and accompanied the maintenance worker surnamed Huang to repair the water pipes on the top floor. When the elevator opened, she ran into two big dogs raised by Mr. Lin. Among them, the Labrador was barking. He rushed out and bit Huang Nan's left wrist. The Kaohsiung Branch of the High Court sentenced Lin to criminal detention for 30 days and fined him for the crime of negligent injury.

The verdict pointed out that the defendants Lin and Yang were residents on the 9th and 7th floors of a building in Xinxing District, Kaohsiung City, respectively.

At around 10 a.m. on October 9, 2021, Ms. Yang took her little black dog and accompanied Huang Nan, an equipment maintenance worker of the building, to take the elevator to the top floor to check the water pipes.

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While the two were waiting for the elevator, it happened that Lin Nan led two big dogs and took the elevator from the first floor to the seventh floor to open it. One of the Labrador dogs saw the black dog barking and rushed out of the elevator. In order to prevent the two dogs from biting each other, he squatted down and suppressed the black dog on the ground. Lin Nan only held a stick between the two dogs, but did not try his best to stop or shut down the elevator. As a result, Huang Nan was bitten by the Labrador on his left wrist.

The Xinxing Branch received a complaint from Huang Nan and transferred Lin Nan to the Kaohsiung District Prosecutor's Office for investigation and prosecution on the basis of negligent injury.

Lin Nan argued that he and his pet dog did not leave the elevator, but that it was Yang Nv's black dog that was about to rush in. He held a stick in the middle and did not bite Huang Nan.

The judges of the first and second instance investigated and found that although Lin’s dogs were tied with ropes, the ropes were about 1 to 1.5 meters long. He led two dogs to take the elevator again. In addition to the limited space, he did not take safety measures. He was sentenced to 30 days of criminal detention , For example, Yike’s fine is converted into 1 day at 1,000 yuan.