The Bureau of Meteorology pointed out that Friday was as warm as summer, and Saturday turned from rain to cooler. It seems that Friday is still hot, with a high temperature of 30 degrees. On Saturday, the front will rise, and the chance of rainfall will increase, and northern Taiwan will obviously cool down.

(taken from Central Weather Bureau)

[Reporter Chen Xinyu/Taipei Report] The weather will change rapidly in the coming week. Tomorrow (14th) the whole of Taiwan will still be cloudy to sunny. With the southeast wind blowing, it will feel hotter than today. The high temperature in Taiwan will be about 29 to 32 degrees , It may be 35 degrees in the south near the mountainous area.

However, the weather will change on Saturday, and the northern part and Yilan will drop by 15 degrees in the evening. It will rain in the whole of Taiwan except the southern part, and the northern part should pay more attention to the local heavy rain; next Sunday to next Tuesday will return to warm and hot like summer; Another front is approaching on Wednesday, with rain over a wide area, even in the dry south.

Ye Zhijun, a forecaster of the Central Meteorological Bureau, said that tomorrow will still be warm and hot, with high temperatures in the northwestern half of 31 to 32 degrees and eastern half of 29 to 30 degrees.

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The front will be affected by the strengthening of the northeast monsoon on Saturday, and it will be affected by the approach of the front early in the morning on Saturday. The weather in the central, northern, eastern half and Jinma is relatively unstable. Remember to bring rain gear when you go out. In the southern region, there are some short-term rains in the mountainous areas.

Rainfall may gradually slow down from north to south in the evening.

Next Sunday, northern Taiwan and Yihua will still feel relatively cool, but the rainfall will slow down. The low temperature in Taiwan will be about 17 to 19 degrees in the morning, and the warm weather will resume in the daytime.

Next Sunday to next Tuesday will be a hot summer-like weather pattern, and it will be hotter every day. Especially on Tuesday and Wednesday, the wind field will turn southerly and southwesterly. The high temperature in the western half will be about 29 to 32 degrees. It can be hotter inland.

The weather will change next Wednesday. There will be a front approaching and the moisture in the cloudy and rainy area in South China will move in. There will be chances of rain across Taiwan.

Including sporadic short-term showers in the western half and northeastern regions on Wednesday, and cloudy to sunny in other parts of the western half, and there may be rain in the entire mountainous area of ​​​​Taiwan in the afternoon; the rainfall area will be wider next Thursday, and it is not ruled out that it will spread to the whole Taiwan , but if you want to really quench your thirst in the south, you have to wait for the rainy season in May to have a better chance.

The Bureau of Meteorology reminds that the temperature in northern Taiwan fluctuates rapidly and the temperature drop is large, so you must adjust your clothing in due course; in addition, there may be strong gusts in the eastern half of the day, from Changhua to Taoyuan in the second half of the day. Fast, the forecast is uncertain, and it is necessary to pay attention to the latest weather forecast information.