The camp of Guo Zhenhui, a proposed candidate for the Legislative Council of Nanshi's first constituency, today criticized legislator Lai Huiyuan for using administrative resources to violate the law of administrative neutrality.

Lai Huiyuan's rebuttal was distorted by his opponent.

(Photo by reporter Wang Hanping)

[Reporter Wang Hanping/Tainan Report] The camp of Guo Zhenhui, the proposed candidate for the first constituency of the Nanshi Legislative Council, today criticized legislator Lai Huiyuan for taking advantage of the situation to use administrative resources, which violated the law of administrative neutrality.

Lai Huiyuan's rebuttal was distorted by his opponents. As a legislator in an agricultural constituency, he created benefits for farmers.

Guo Zhenhui's team held a press conference today and pointed out that for the primary election, Lai Huiyu, his opponent, abused his incumbent advantage, took advantage of the opportunity to oppress administrative officials and full-time farmers' association staff to cooperate in organizing the so-called performance briefing, and distributed "the only support for Lai Huiyuan in the primary election" on the spot. Ruling officials have fallen into a storm of lawlessness, which has become the biggest breach in the ruling party's general election.

Guo Zhenhui's team emphasized that it took many years for Taiwan to institutionalize farmers' associations and move towards administrative neutrality. Originally, all farmers' associations strictly adhered to the principle of administrative neutrality. It is also necessary to cooperate with Lai Huiyuan to mobilize farmers.

In the near future, legal action will be taken to formally report Lai Hui's violation of the Administrative Neutrality Act and other relevant laws and regulations, and relevant evidence will also be sent to the Central Party Headquarters of the Democratic Progressive Party.

Lai Hui said in a statement that he was deeply inexplicable by the criticism of his opponent in the primary election.

For a long time, they have been helping farmers and fishermen to solve their difficulties, and the grassroots farmers' associations have also cooperated with each other.