From tonight to tomorrow morning is the coldest time of this wave of northeast monsoon. The northeast monsoon will gradually weaken in the daytime tomorrow, and the temperature will rise day by day until next Friday.

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[Reporter Zheng Weiqi/Taipei Report] The northeast monsoon affects Taiwan until the early morning of tomorrow (9th). Lin Dingyi, a forecaster of the Central Meteorological Bureau, said that the temperature in various places will be low from tonight to early tomorrow morning, with a low temperature of 15 degrees to 19 degrees. Flat ground will be about 1 to 2 degrees lower.

In addition, there is a tropical disturbance developing in the east of the Philippines. Whether it will develop into the No. 1 typhoon of this year will be the key to next Tuesday and next Wednesday. However, because it is far away from Taiwan, even if it develops later, the path will move to the South China Sea and float to Taiwan. There is not much water vapor, and the help to the water regime in the central and southern regions is extremely limited.

To solve the dry season in central and southern China, we have to wait until the rainy season. Lin Dingyi said that it seems that there is no obvious rainfall signal until the end of April. The rainy season brings a long period of heavy rain, which occurs from mid-May to mid-June. The probability is relatively high.

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Lin Dingyi said that from tonight to tomorrow morning is the coldest period affected by this wave of northeast monsoon. The low temperature is 15 to 17 degrees in the north and northeast, 16 degrees in the central and eastern half, and 19 degrees in the south. In terms of rainfall, only the eastern half in the morning There were sporadic short-term rains in the region and the western half of the mountainous area, but the rain was not obvious.

Starting tomorrow, the northeast monsoon will gradually weaken, and the temperature will rise day by day until next Friday. Next Thursday and next Friday, the high temperature can reach 27-28 degrees in the north, 28-29 degrees in the middle, and 30-31 degrees in the south. , 25 degrees to 26 degrees east.

The weather in various regions next week will be mainly cloudy to sunny. Lin Dingyi said that next week, we can observe whether the eastern tropical disturbance in the Philippines will develop and how the follow-up path will move. If it develops and moves to the South China Sea, there will be some mid-level water vapor. It floats to Taiwan, but even if there is rainfall, it will not be too much; if it dissipates near the Philippines, because the distance is longer, the water vapor that will float to Taiwan will be much less.

In addition, there will be another wave of northeast monsoon going south next Saturday, with local short-term rain in the northern and eastern half, and sporadic short-term rain in the central and southern mountainous areas.