The Penghu Coast Guard rescued the stroke captain, who was rescued on a stretcher at sea.

(Provided by Penghu Coast Guard)

[Reporter Liu Yuqing/Penghu Report] Three points of risk for sailing at sea!

You have to watch the sky eat.

The Command of the Thirteenth Patrol Area under the Jinma Peng Sub-Administration of the Coast Guard received a report from the public on the 6th, alleging that the fishing boat Jin Hongcai was operating at sea. Patrol boats rushed to the scene for assistance.

According to the investigation by the Penghu Coast Guard, at 5:50 p.m. on the 6th, the headquarters of the 13th Patrol Area received a report from 118, claiming that Captain Xu of the "Jin Hongcai" fishing boat was suspected of having a stroke and was unconscious. At 8 nautical miles west of Waidong, Xiyu, heading towards Magong, requesting to send a boat to evacuate for rescue.

The Thirteenth Patrol District Headquarters simultaneously notified the Ma Public Security Inspection Office and the Fire Department of the Seventh Coastal Patrol of the Jinma Peng Branch to cooperate with the Coordination Office, and dispatched the online PP-3503 patrol boat of the Penghu Coast Guard to rush there.

Please read on...

The patrol boat rendezvoused with the "Golden" ship at 6:27 p.m. The two ships were side by side at sea. Because the captain was in critical condition, he was unable to board the boat by himself, so he was connected on a stretcher. The patient was successfully connected to the boat and then sailed Returning to Magong Port, they arrived smoothly at 7:00 p.m. and were handed over to the ambulance of the Penghu County Fire Department. The acutely ill patients were quickly transported to the Penghu Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare by means of sea-land relay.

The Penghu Coast Guard stated that Penghu is surrounded by the sea. In case of any situation or any emergency in the sea, fishermen can call the Coast Guard Administration's "118" free report number, or report through the Taiwan Fisheries Broadcasting Station. The Coast Guard Administration and relevant The unit will immediately launch a rescue mission to ensure the safety of fishermen's lives and property.

The captain was picked up by sea by the sea patrol team, and then sent to the hospital by land relay by the fire station.

(Provided by Penghu Coast Guard)