Tomorrow, April 6, in the Orthodox calendar,

is the day of memory of Saint Zacharias


He was fasting in the Far Caves in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, distinguished by the fact that he could see demons and angels in his visions.

Also ate only seeds and vegetables after sunset, drank water.

The church holiday of April 6 is the day of commemoration of Saint Artemios of Thessalonica

Very little is known about the life of Artemy.

He lived in Seleucia Pisidia (Asia Minor), where he was born.

He was very moral and pious.

When the apostle Paul visited those places, he appointed Artemios as the first bishop of the city.

According to Paul, this particular man was worthy of the position because he never made a mistake.

All his life, Artemy wisely managed the parish and sincerely believed in God.

He died in old age.

Signs of April 6

Folk signs on April 6 / Photo: Pexels

  • It is snowing - there will be a good buckwheat harvest.

  • In the morning, dew will give birth to millet.

  • A warm night for a warm spring.

  • The finch started singing, it is worth waiting for cool weather.

What can't be done tomorrow

On this day, it was forbidden to visit, invite someone to your home and start repairs.

They believed that otherwise you can take good luck out of your home.

Sinners were forbidden to go to church, first they had to repent of all their sins.

What can be done tomorrow

Girls who wanted to find their bridegroom had to endure a service that lasted all night.

And if someone is not sure of their feelings, then they believed that on this day it was necessary to avoid a loved one.

Read also:

  • Palm Sunday 2023: date, customs and rites, history of the holiday

  • When is Easter 2023: history and traditions, folk omens and strong prayer