Wild macaques were spotted at Lane 367, Yuantong Road, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City.

(Provided by Qiu Weiwen, Chief of Jinchang Village)

[Reporter Gan Menglin/New Taipei Report] A few days ago, the escape of East African baboons in Liufu Village caused a lot of "baboons" all over the country. Now some people discovered that in Lane 367, Yuantong Road, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City, there was a macaque basking in the sun on the roof. , and then fled quickly.

Qiu Weiwen, head of Jinchang Village in Zhonghe District, said that when he was sorting out the waste with the volunteers of the Limin Office in the morning, he suddenly found a huge macaque basking in the sun on the roof. After the macaque was found, he went to Yuantong Temple Mountain Running up, she was worried that the people in the village would be frightened by the monkeys, so she made an emergency broadcast to remind the people to be careful and avoid harming wild animals.

Yang Shufang, director of the New Taipei Animal Protection Department, said that New Taipei City is rich in ecology, and some houses are close to mountainous areas, overlapping with the macaque's activity environment. It is determined that the macaque may have come to people's residences along the food source in order to find food.

Recently, many people went to the Zhongling Pagoda in Taipei to worship their ancestors, and the food on the table may have attracted the attention of the macaques.

The Department of Animal Protection reminded that wild animals will usually leave when they see people. As long as the people do not disturb, feed or approach them, they will basically not cause harm.

The staff of the Animal Protection Department has already worked with the head of the village to promote the local area, reminding the public and hikers not to feed, put away food, and avoid leaving food or edible garbage, so as to prevent the macaques from running down the mountain or looking for food in private houses.

Wild macaques were spotted at Lane 367, Yuantong Road, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City.

(Provided by Qiu Weiwen, Chief of Jinchang Village)

Wild macaques were spotted at Lane 367, Yuantong Road, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City.

(Provided by Qiu Weiwen, Chief of Jinchang Village)

Wild macaques were spotted at Lane 367, Yuantong Road, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City.

(Provided by Qiu Weiwen, Chief of Jinchang Village)

Wild macaques were spotted at Lane 367, Yuantong Road, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City.

(Provided by Qiu Weiwen, Chief of Jinchang Village)

Recently, many people went to the Zhongling Pagoda of the National Army to worship their ancestors, and the food on the table may have attracted the attention of the macaques.

(Provided by the Department of Animal Protection)