During the Qingming holiday, there was a lot of traffic around Niuchoupu Cemetery, the largest Shuishang Township in Chiayi.

(Photo by reporter Cai Zongxun)

[Reporters Cai Zongxun and Ding Weijie/Report from Chiayi] Today is Ching Ming Festival, and this year’s Ching Ming holiday lasts for five days. The largest cemetery in Shuishang Township, Niuchoupu, in Chiayi has seen early tomb-sweeping traffic in the past few days, and there is a lot of traffic in the morning , slightly congested, and the traffic was smooth after 11:30 noon; the sky was dry and the weather was dry, and there were frequent fires in the cemetery, especially the fires in the cemetery next to the main road. The smoke filled the air and endangered traffic safety. , to avoid spreading and causing a fire.

The Water Police Sub-bureau stated that in response to the influx of grave-sweeping traffic in Niuchoupu Cemetery during the Qingming holiday, traffic diversion and control measures were planned, and officers were dispatched to command at major intersections. When there is a traffic queue, the traffic flow is dispersed, so that it will not be immobile, and the traffic flow will decrease significantly after noon.

The police said that on the Ching Ming Festival today, eastbound tomb-sweeping traffic on the Taiwan Highway 82 should still get off the ramp at Zhonghe Interchange in advance, and follow the guidance signs to continue on the county road Jia 175 and county road 168 to the county road Line 165 goes to Niuchoupu Cemetery. One-way traffic is restricted in front of Longyan Jiayun Life Memorial Hall. If the road in front of Ciyun Pagoda is seriously blocked, it will be adjusted to a one-way street to divert traffic from Huanshan Road to County Road 165. leave.

During the holiday period, there were 5 fire alarms in Jia County on the 2nd day, 13 fire alarms on the 3rd day, 14 cemetery fire alarms until 4:00 pm yesterday, and 3 cemetery fire alarms in Jiashi until noon yesterday.

The fire department said that most of the weeds in the cemetery were dry, and the fire was out of control. In addition, it was difficult to get water, and the firefighters were exhausted, which made rescue more difficult. They urged the public not to burn weeds when sweeping graves, and to extinguish the embers when burning paper money.