The famous astrologer Vlad Ross predicts that the day of the solar eclipse - April 20 - will be the most dangerous day in April.

It does not even exclude the risk of a nuclear explosion.

The astrologer said this in an interview with Glavred.

In addition, according to his predictions, a few more days of April will be worrying.

This is the period from the 18th to the 23rd. 

" Various troubles and misfortunes are possible

at this time

. This is due to the fact that this week there will be a solar eclipse in tension with Pluto. The defeat of the eclipse point by Pluto suggests that there may be events in the near future that will greatly affect us, and it will be very difficult or impossible to avoid them," Ross predicted. 

Also, during the same period, various natural disasters, such as earthquakes or tsunamis, can occur. 

"If the Kremlin dwarf decides to press the red button, the world may not survive it. At least the trend of the solar eclipse on April 20 and the next lunar eclipse on May 5 is such that the

danger of a nuclear explosion or impact will remain, there is a danger of the death of a large number of people

," the astrologer warned.

Let's emphasize that astrology, tarology, numerology, fortune-telling, divination, molfarstvo, psychics are not sciences and predictions do not always come true 100%.

Information is quite often of an entertaining nature, so it should not be taken seriously, but only as a probability of events that every person can become the creator of if he has the strength of spirit and inspiration to change his life for the better.

We will remind you that astrologer Yana Tymoshchuk said that in April, Russia will deplete three Ukrainian cities with missile strikes.


 are Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv, Dnipro. 

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  • What Ukraine will be like after the war: the astrologer predicted a radical change of power and restoration

  • NATO and Russia are at the peak of the conflict: astrologer Vlad Ross named the dates when the worst can happen

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