
is one of the biggest church holidays.

It is usually celebrated with family.

Riddles about Easter will help entertain children and have fun.

Riddles about Easter

Riddles about Easter / Photo: Pexels

Easter eggs were painted,

Paskas were baked.

The house was nicely cleaned.

What holiday are we waiting for?



A religious holiday in honor of the resurrection of Christ?



Easter eggs were painted,

Paskas were baked.

The house was nicely cleaned.

What holiday are we waiting for?



Bright day peeks through the window.

Joyfully, as if saying "Dobryden".

And the bright sun caresses the earth.

It has come...



Why is joy for all people?

Because today we celebrate Christ's...



And the bells ring:

"Easter, Easter has come to us!"

With the joy

of Christ's spring...


Riddles about Easter eggs (eggs and Easter eggs)

Riddles about Easter eggs / Photo: Pexels

The sun is playing, and little birds are chirping,

The table is decorated with red ...



A colorful egg

was rolling on the table.

Made friends with the sausage,

twirled near the horseradish

and sanctified in the temple.

(Easter Egg)


In the house on the porch

I will sit on the porch.

I will sit on the edge -

I will paint...



Some are scratched,

some are painted,

some are dripped,

and even golden!



Painted egg for Easter.

(Easter Egg)

Riddles about the Easter table and Easter

Riddles about the Easter table and Easter / Photo: Pexels

No pie, no cupcake, no cake

for Easter.

Let's serve it to the table with an appetizing sour cream


(Easter cake)


Housewives baked for the holiday in the oven

Magnificent blushes, a miracle ...



What is baked for Easter?



Everyone bakes this buttery delicacy

only once a year.

It is served on the table

on Sunday, a bright holiday .

(Easter cake)


Mixed, fermented, felted, put on the table on a holiday.

(Easter cake)


The housewives baked for God's grace

Lush, ruddy miracles - ...



A meat product

without which there is no holiday.



Late in the evening, in silence

Having closed all the doors,

the students gathered

for the Secret...



When you go to church to celebrate Easter,

you put everything in it and take it with you.


Easter riddles

Easter riddles / Photo: Pexels

Big before Easter.



Having told the news about the Resurrection, Mary presented

the Egg - a symbol of life ...



Redeemed us from the graves

for the One who loved us so much.

Purifying, I will be saved:

Crucified for me...



The bridge stretched for seven versts, and at the end of the bridge was a golden verst.

(Easter Week)


Who voluntarily went to the cross

and carried His own cross?

Who was crucified, resurrected?

Of course...



The Na seven verst

bridge has been paved .

Near the end of the

Chervona Gora bridge.

(Great Lent and Easter)


He was born of man

AND He was baptized with water.

And when he went to heaven,

he sent the Spirit to earth...



God loved all people

with great love.

Jesus atoned for all sins

with His Holy...



What does the red color of the Easter egg symbolize?

(Blood of Christ)


General prayer,

praising God,

All Saints together with us,

That's what it means ...!



Seven sheets of paper,

and the eighth - gold.

(Easter Week)


He did NOT want to see even the obviousness of the miracle




Why joy and gaiety for all people?


Because today we celebrate Christ's...



On this day, the house is in order,

all the people are brought together in a friendly manner,

they clean and wash,

everything is cleaned of junk!

Bath is taken before dawn.

(Maundy Thursday)


When she will be illuminated under insults -

She will cry silent tears.

Her tear is bright and hot like an oven...

It's a white Easter...



"Christ is Risen!"

- sounded somewhere,

And it became festive in the soul.

They are carried to the church with paskas.

Festive baskets with ...



Willow cats!

Tender and fluffy...

Faces touched... Oh, what happiness!

With a willow branch, I will hit the little one,

So that all my little ones are healthy...

What are you talking about?

(Palm Sunday)


Angels trumpet about a miracle

From earth to heaven.

Rejoice, rejoice, people,

Know: Christ ...



There is joy and luck again throughout the land,

We are all rejoicing violently in Christ's ...



So that prayer ignites,

Let the body work hard,


the right hand should not be lazy...



До нас знову поспішає весна,
Буде знову веселощі.
І несе вона
Свято …


Чому для всіх людей радість?
Тому, що святкуємо сьогодні Христове …


Ангел білосніжний, вид його – немов полум'я,
Приступив до Гробу, щоб відвалити …


І дзвенять дзвони:
"Пасха, Великдень до нас прийшла!"
З радістю весняною
Христового …


Релігійне свято на честь воскресіння Христа.


Сяду я тихенько,

Розпишу яєчко:

Сонечко вшаную,

Квітку намалюю,

Та на щастя людям

Потім подарую.


Читайте також:

  • Коли Великдень 2023 року: історія і традиції, народні прикмети та сильна молитва
  • Songs about Easter in Ukrainian: a beautiful selection for children

  • Poems for Easter for children that are easy to remember