A man on a bus showed his genitals.

This is how he celebrated the victory of his rugby club over the rivals. 

Dailystar.co.uk writes about it. 

The player of the rugby club "Truro" during the celebration over the rivals got naked and showed his genital organ.

It happened in the team bus.

One of the videos showed the player exposing his genitals during a wild celebration.

Photo: dailystar.co.uk

After the scandalous photos were published on the Internet, "Truro" apologized for the behavior of its player.

They noted that such behavior does not correspond to the values ​​of the club. 

We will remind you that in Nigeria, a 33-year-old woman lost her strength and squeezed the owner's testicles so hard that he died.

The reason for the dispute was 

the husband's request to pay for electricity.

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