On March 31, the police banned 441 related traffic violations that raised penalties in the "Uniform Penalty Standards and Handling Rules for Violations of Road Traffic Management Incidents".

(Picture provided by the police)

[Reporter Zhou Minhong/Taoyuan Report] "Uniform Penalty Standards and Handling Rules for Violations of Road Traffic Management Incidents" increased the penalty for "vehicles failing to give way to pedestrians". Police Captain Lin Dingtai reminded that vehicles passing through crosswalks failing to give way to pedestrians and pedestrians violating the rules are the current focus of the police's crackdown.

According to statistics from Jiaotong University, there were 441 traffic violations, including 313 cases of non-stop yielding to pedestrians or vehicles at intersections, 10 violations of right-of-way violations such as not giving way to vehicles on branch roads and vehicles on main roads, and 10 cases of violations of the right of way banned. 35 cases were banned for re-starting without stopping, and 83 cases were banned for automobiles and motorcycles not stopping after encountering a "flashing red light" sign.

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Lin Dingtai said that in order to improve the concept of car and motorcycle drivers stopping and yielding when encountering pedestrians and non-signatured intersections, related traffic violations have been amended to increase penalties. Cars passing through crosswalks do not stop to let pedestrians pass first, and do not stop to give way when turning Pedestrians are given priority, and the penalty has been increased from 2,000 yuan for small cars and 2,800 yuan for large vehicles to 3,600 yuan. As for motorcycles, the penalty is still 1,200 yuan.