The Master Chief of the Anti-submarine Navy fell to his death.

The picture shows the Navy's Zuoying base, and the characters have nothing to do with the news event.

(file photo)

[Reporter Hong Dinghong/Kaohsiung Report] The 46-year-old anti-submarine naval sergeant surnamed Xu who lived in the military officer's village in Zuoying District, Kaohsiung City was found dead in the early hours of today (1st) after falling from a building. The police ruled out homicide.

The Naval Fleet Command stated that it will do its best to assist the family members in dealing with the funeral.

The police pointed out that Xu Nan had dinner with his family yesterday, and the family did not notice any abnormalities. At about 1:00 this morning, the family members were still asleep when they suddenly heard a loud noise outside.

The police arrived at the scene to investigate and found that Xu Nan fell from the top floor of the apartment, and homicide was ruled out.

The Naval Fleet Command pointed out that the reason for Sergeant Xu's fall is under investigation by the prosecutors and police.

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