What does the name Daryna mean?

The name Daryna does not have a single version of the origin.

Some researchers believe that this word is Persian, which means "possessing benefits".

And other scientists are sure that this is a Slavic word that means "gifted".

When to celebrate Daria's Angel Day?

According to the Orthodox calendar, Daryna's name day in 2023 is celebrated

on March 16, April 1, April 4, August 17 and 18.

Daryna easily and quickly makes decisions that others can think about for weeks.

At work, Daryna is an excellent performer, but management positions can be given to her with difficulty.

Daryna painfully treats any criticism and rarely takes responsibility for a negative result.

Her easy attitude to life extends to family relationships.

Darina prefers casual flirting and relationships without obligations.

She creates a family quite late, which does not bother her at all, but greatly upsets her loved ones. 

Daria's birthday greetings in verse and prose


Happy Angel's Day!

I wish you happiness and joy,

Love, warmth of soul,

In everyone's affairs - only praise!

Let the angel who is next to you

guide you in life,


take away all problems and bad weather with a light gesture.

Happy angel's day, Darina / Photo: TSN.ua


Darina, today is your holiday, and we want to wish you the fulfillment of your most cherished wishes from the bottom of our hearts.

May fate favor you in every matter, luck does not hide behind the horizon, and friends will be faithful and help in solving even the most difficult tasks.

Happy angel's day, Darina / Photo: TSN.ua


On the Day of Angel Daryna,

on this wonderful holiday,

I wish you many earthly joys

and spiritual blessings.

I also want to wish you

peace of mind not to be lost!

Happy Angel Day!

Be happy!

And forget all the bad things!

Happy angel's day, Darina / Photo: TSN.ua


Accept congratulations on Daria's Day, birthday girl!

Let every obstacle on your way to happiness be insurmountable, and the journey along the life line itself will become an exciting cruise in which there will be no place for boredom and mundanity.

Happy angel's day, Darina / Photo: TSN.ua


On Angel's Day, I wish

Darina more strength,

patience, understanding,

and a clean sky.

To the love of family and friends,

and to be friends with your Angel

with a pure heart,

and to believe in a miracle with him!

Happy angel's day, Darina / Photo: TSN.ua


Accept congratulations on Daria's Day, birthday girl!

Let every obstacle on your way to happiness be insurmountable, and the journey along the life line itself will become an exciting cruise in which there will be no place for boredom and mundanity.

Happy angel's day, Darina / Photo: TSN.ua


Happy Angel Day, may the sun shine gently

in your life and on your age.

Let the Angel protect and protect,

And ask God for a little light.

May all your paths be cloudless.

And happiness blooms in the house and in the soul,

Let there be friends, only sincere, good ones,

And God always hears your prayers!

Happy angel's day, Darina / Photo: TSN.ua


Accept congratulations on Daria's Day, birthday girl!

Let every obstacle on your way to happiness be insurmountable, and the journey along the life line itself will become an exciting cruise in which there will be no place for boredom and mundanity.

Happy angel's day, Darina / Photo: TSN.ua


Daryna, Congratulations on the holiday!

Health, I wish, love, warmth...

May the soul be rich in goodness.

There will be no sorrow or evil in life.

May God send you good people,

hope and faith live in the heart.

I wish you a happy, good fate,

May Angel wings protect you!

Happy angel's day, Darina / Photo: TSN.ua


Dear Darina, may your birthday be remembered by joyful meetings with friends and vivid emotional moments with loved ones.

Be surrounded by attention and care every day.

Read also:

  • Happy birthday: the best greetings in poems, prose, pictures

  • Happy birthday to a friend: poems, prose, postcards in Ukrainian